During a visit to the 'bed' section of a local furniture store I wanted to measure a mattress for size. Imagine my horror when instead of pulling out my tape measure from my handbag I pulled out a rodent that was gripping on to my hand!
I threw it off and it landed on the floor, it looked and me and I looked at it. I don't know who was more stunned. It..or me?! Once I pulled myself together I realised that it wasn't a rat or a mouse as it was far too cute and had a bushy tail - it was a "loir".
I threw it off and it landed on the floor, it looked and me and I looked at it. I don't know who was more stunned. It..or me?! Once I pulled myself together I realised that it wasn't a rat or a mouse as it was far too cute and had a bushy tail - it was a "loir".
Moral of this story is
'Don't leave you’re bag open near an open door, as a passing rodent may want to use it for a nap'!
'Don't leave you’re bag open near an open door, as a passing rodent may want to use it for a nap'!
Have you ever had a close encounter with a 'loir'?
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