Feb 1, 2007

Double Trouble

Last Sunday our new pooch turned up from the rescue centre. She was called Boo, and looked like a cross between a golden labrador and a beagle. You could say that she was a bit overweight though!

Unfortunately Viko didn't give her the welcome she deserved, and so Boo's first impression of him wasn't good and she never gave him a 2nd chance. A woman's prerogative I guess!

A quarter of his size but a personality twice as big as his, she literally bullied him. He tried to play with her but she didn't want to know. She started growling and snapping at him, and over the few days she was with us, the snarling turned into fighting and it got out of hand.

Eventually I had to split them and knowing their relationship was not going to work I sadly had to return Boo to the rescue centre only 3 days after she had arrived. She's a lovely little dog, well behaved, full of personality and a great companion - just not when Viko was around.

So where do we go from here? Well we're going to try again in a few weeks as we do believe that Viko will make friends with the right dog - he just needs to learn that first impressions do count!

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